
2024 Nominations Are Open Until April 1, 2024

For outstanding UPMASAns in Community Service, Medical Education, Medical Research, Meritorious Service to our organization and Lifetime Achievement in work and UPMASA activities. When you nominate a member, please confirm that the nominee will attend the UPMASA 2024 AGC in Seattle, WA. Please send nominations to Dr. Ernerio T. Alboliras, UPMASA Awards Committee Chair (email: [email protected])

I. Eligibility and Nominations
A. Any graduate of the U.P. College of Medicine who are members of UPMASA in good standing (life member or current dues paid up) and living in North America or posthumously (up to three years after death). They must be of good moral and professional standing.
B. Nominations may be submitted by any member of UPMASA in good standing. A maximum of three nomination letters for each nominee will be accepted.
C. Current sitting members of the Awards Committee are not eligible to nominate and be nominated for an award.
D. All nominations must be in writing and be submitted to the Awards committee before the deadline. The nomination period starts December 1, 2023 and ends on April 1, 2024. The nomination must be accompanied by the following documents:
       1. Short write up (300-500 words) by the nominator on why the nominee is eligible for the award and how the nominee fulfills the criteria for the award.
       2. Complete curriculum vitae of nominee, including contact information.
       3. Recent high-resolution digital photograph of nominee.
       4. Other required documents, if requested.
E. Submit all required documents to [email protected]
F. Thereafter, nominees shall be notified of their nomination and be requested to accept or decline the nomination. They will also be informed that their attendance at the Annual Grand Convention is required.

II. The Selection Process
A. The President of UPMASA appoints the Chair of the Awards Committee who appoints 3 other UPMASA members as members of the Committee. The Immediate Past President of UPMASA is an automatic 2024 member of the Awards Committee. All serve a term of 2 years concurrent with the UPMASA President’s term unless they resign or are removed according to UPMASA bylaws.
B. The Awards Committee will also have one member from the Silver Jubilarian class who will serve a term of one year.
C. The Awards Committee shall have broad discretion in carrying out its duties. There will be one awardee to be selected for each category, but in the event that more than one candidate is deemed to be deserving, the committee may decide to bestow more than one award for any category with the exception of the Lifetime Achievement Award. The Awards Committee may decide not to bestow any award if none of the nominees are found to be eligible for any or all awards.
D. The members of the Awards Committee are given four weeks to review the submitted documents for the nominees in each award category. Deliberations within the committee should be confidential, and the committee will disclose no information on nominees or any other matters under their deliberation. At the end of four weeks, the committee members will sit en banc or hold a teleconference to count and determine the final tally of votes in each category. The Chair casts a vote only to break a tie for any particular award.
E. The list of UPMASA award recommendations chosen by the Awards Committee are to be presented to the Board of Governors at the BOG spring meeting for action.
F. UPMASA awards are bestowed during the July UPMASA Annual Grand Convention.

III. Selection Criteria
       1. Must be a paid member of UPMASA for at least 15 years or a Life member
       2. Must be nominated by an UPMASA member in good standing
       3. Must be at least 55 years of age
       4. Must have served the National UPMASA in an elected/appointed position
       5. Past involvement in UPMASA Committee or Chapter activities
       6. Contributions to UPMASA/UP College of Medicine/Philippine General Hospital
       7. Professional excellence exhibited by at least two of the following:
           a. Membership and/or leadership roles in local, state, national or international medical organizations
           b. Recipient of awards conferred by local, state, national, or international medical organizations
           c. Specialty board(s) certification
           d. Faculty appointment(s) and active role in education of medical students and physicians, and paramedical personnel
           e. Publications and/or research activity
           f. Presentations and/or lectures given
B. NATIONAL UPMASA AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE AND MERIT (to be given out during the Annual Grand Convention in July of each fiscal year)
     1. Community Service – Must have been involved as an active participant in at least one of the following:
          a. Medical missions rendering free medical care in medically underserved areas for at least 5 years
          b. Rendering free care in health fairs or free medical clinics for at least 5 years
          c. Giving significant financial donations/endowments to charitable organizations or medical institutions
         d. Donating significant medical supplies/equipment to the UP College of Medicine, Philippine General Hospital or other similar academic/charitable institutions
         e. Leadership role at a local, state and/or national level in an overseas Filipino charitable or medical professional/specialty organization
         f. Contributing significantly to the realm of public health initiatives (including educational, social, and supportive services) to the health and wellbeing of the community served with innovative programs catering to the majority of the community
     2. Medical Research
          a. Must be actively involved in conducting biomedical research and/or public health/social sciences
          b. Must have published articles in peer reviewed medical journals (at least five (5) of which as a major author) or presented in a recognized national or international scientific forum
          c. Copies of five (5) most significant papers must be submitted
          d. Research activity must have contributed to the advancement in medical science and technology and may be seen to increase knowledge about or to improve treatment/ management of a medical condition and the betterment of society and the community
          e. Recognition from academic institutions, scientific or learned professional groups, whether national or international, in the form of citations, awards or grants for the research work shall be considered.
     3. Medical Education
          a. Must be full time or part time faculty member at an accredited medical school for at least 10 years
          b. Must be actively involved in the education and training of medical students, residents, clinical fellows, other physicians or other healthcare professionals.
          c. Must have been involved in two or more of the following:
               1. Delivered medical lectures or presentations at local, national or international venues
               2. Authored medical books or chapters in medical textbooks
               3. Created audio/videotape, disc/ or online presentations on medical subjects for wide distribution
               4. Received recognition through awards, testimonials and citations for teaching from students, fellow faculty members, an academic institution, a medical or healthcare organization
     4. Meritorious Service
          a. Must have been an officer or a member of UPMASA (either at the chapter or the National level) for at least ten (10) years
          b. Demonstrated meritorious service to UPMASA either at the chapter or the National level through one or more of the following:
               1. Leadership role
               2. Distinguished and/or constant participation in its committees or activities
               3. Contributing significant time or money to UPMASA and/or its projects
               4. Any other extraordinary service as decided by the Awards Committee and the Board of Governors

1. The UPMASA Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded one time only to any UPCM graduate. The award is a special award and only bestowed occasionally and not every year. Past recipients of this award can no longer be nominated for the other awards.
2. Candidates not selected for any award during any year can be nominated again for any of the awards. Previous awardees can be nominated for a different award. However previous awardees of UPMASA cannot be nominated for same category.
3. Awards, citations, certificates/plaques of appreciation medallions, etc., given by the office of the President of UPMASA, at his/her discretion, do not need Awards Committee approval.

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